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Anti-aging revolution: Innovative ingredients for youthful skin

Retinoids: Retinoids is an umbrella term encompasses many specific ingredients, including retinol and retinoic acid. Retinoids have long been the gold standard in anti-aging skincare. Derivatives of vitamin A, and retinoids achieve a number of anti-aging goals. They increase cell turnover and promote collagen production, all whilst reducing the appearance of dark spots. As a result, skin is more even-toned and smoother. Some people find that retinol can be too harsh, so the formulation of the product is key. This is especially pertinent with anti-aging skincare, as older skin tends to be thinner, and thus more fragile.

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Why do skincare products contain retinol, and what is its purpose?

From serums and ointments to creams and lotions, plenty of products contain retinol, the wonder ingredient that is associated with claims of wrinkle reduction and youthful glow giving properties.

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