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The 4 most effective ingredients in spot treatments

Next, we have salicylic acid, which is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA). BHAs are known for being a great light exfoliant for the skin, penetrating deep into the pores, and effectively dissolving excess oil and dead skin cells.

By dissolving the debris that clogs up your pores, salicylic acid helps prevent new blemishes from popping up and tackling any existing ones.

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Glycolic acid: The lowdown (what it is, its beauty applications and common product use)

Serums with glycolic acid offer concentrated treatment for specific skincare concerns. Whether targeting hyperpigmentation, fine lines, or uneven texture, these serums deliver a potent dose of glycolic acid directly to the skin.

Normally you’d use them as part of a nightly skincare routine so it can get to work while you sleep, and you only need to use them a couple of nights a week.

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