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How should cosmetic brands target millennials?

Born between 1981 and 1996, millennials have had their fair share of bad luck. Having witnessed the economic downturn in 2008, they’re not so keen to splurge.

However, when it comes to cosmetics, they’re really looking to get the most for their money. Affordability, results, and sustainability are three of the main things millennials look for in their cosmetic purchases. As a cosmetic brand, this means you’ve got to go the extra mile with your products.

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Fragrance in cosmetics: Enhancing the customer experience

Our sense of smell is deeply intertwined with our emotions and memories. A delightful fragrance can stir positive emotions and leave a lasting mark. Picture, for a moment, the experience of unboxing a lavish skincare cream infused with the calming scent of lavender. Not only does the aroma bring relaxation, but it also reinforces the perception of the product's superior quality and effectiveness.

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5 upcoming makeup trends to watch for this summer

Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start thinking about switching up your make-up routine. This year, there are five upcoming trends that are set to dominate the beauty scene. From the “no-make up” make-up look to glazed lips, these trends are perfect for the warmer months and will help you achieve a fresh, glowing, and on-trend look. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the make-up trends to watch for this summer:

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