Simple steps to avoid potential pitfalls when working with a global contract manufacturer
Thinking of launching a beauty or skincare line? If so, you might have considered working with a contract manufacturer. Outsourcing the creation of your products to a contract manufacturer carries a number of benefits, from affordability to the access to specialized expertise. Although the benefits are numerous, there are some potential pitfalls when it comes to choosing a contract manufacturer. To help ensure you make a successful partnership, here are some simple steps to avoid these hazards:

    •    Conduct thorough research: Before entering into an agreement with a contract manufacturer, carry out your due diligence! Take a look at the manufacturers client testimonials, as well as their track record and any certifications that they meet industry standards. Before you set the ball rolling, it’s vital to see if your chosen manufacturer adheres to regulations and quality control processes.

    •    Prioritize communication and transparency: As with life in general, effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. From the get go, establish clear channels of communication with your contract manufacturer and ensure that all parties involved understand their roles and responsibilities, as this will foster trust and allow for quick resolution of any issues that may arise during the manufacturing process.

    •    Draw up a quality agreement: At the beginning of your partnership with a global contract manufacturer, develop a comprehensive quality agreement that outlines the specific quality standards and product specifications expected from provider. You’ll want to make sure you include details on everything from raw materials and manufacturing processes to packaging, labeling, and testing requirements.

    •    Supply chain transparency: While your contract manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the products it produces, your brand name is the face of the company. With that in mind, you want to ensure that the products your end customer is receiving are of a high quality. To ensure this, ask for information about the entire supply chain, to ensure ethical practices and sustainability, so that you can maintain transparency and ensure your brand's values are being adhered to.

    •    Start with smaller batches: At the initial stages of the partnership, you might want to consider producing smaller batches of products to test the manufacturer's capabilities. Over time, you can gradually increase production volumes as you gain confidence in their abilities and have built a strong working relationship.

    •    Get a legal expert to review contracts: A well-drafted contract will provide clarity on responsibilities, liabilities, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Before signing on the dotted line, get a legal expert to review all contractual agreements to ensure that the terms and conditions are fair and protect the interests of your brand.
Contract manufacturerQuality controlSupply chain